Welcome to the Town of McIntosh, AL
Incorporated in 1970
McIntosh has a community population of about
300. The town was incorporated on April 7, 1970,
becoming the third incorporated town in
Washington County. The Town of McIntosh has a
rich heritage. People of Black, White and Indian
ancestry live in the area.
McIntosh is served by the Southern Railroad which
runs from Mobile to Birmingham to connecting
lines. Highway 43 runs through McIntosh, north-
south. The Tombigbee River is on the eastern
boundary of McIntosh. It is a navigable waterway
and provides fishing for the local sportsmen.
The forest located around McIntosh, has always
provided livelihood for McIntosh residents.
Longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, and hardwood, such
as oak, hickory, beech, ash, cedar, cypress, poplar,
walnut, gum and dogwood were found to be
abundant in the area with trees used for making
paper and furniture. In the early 1950's two large
chemical plants were constructed near the large
salt dome that was a natural resource.
McIntosh has two schools located on separate
campuses, McIntosh Elementary School on the
north end of town and McIntosh High School on
the south end of town; five industrial plants; and a
Rescue and Fire Department.
January 1st
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents' Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Veteran's day
Thanksgiving day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Town of McIntosh,